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JTC Developer Reward Program
The Jurat Development Grant Program funds individuals and teams who want to create innovative tools that further enhance the Jurat ecosystem.

Developer Reward Options
Our developer rewards are meant to recognize
entrepreneurs and developers who create new businesses in the JTC ecosystem. We are especially seeking projects that increase the utility of JTC for our whole community. Our goal is to make JTC more available, more useful and more spendable. Your goal should be to build a profitable business while participating in our growing community.
Below are a few categories of projects that we think would be profitable for entrepreneurs:
- Build a marketplace for the community to sell JTC ordinals. You could even include NFTs and BTC ordinals. We expect you will have lots of customers when we launch our unique court-enforceable ordinals in about two weeks! Award range 15-25 JTC.
- Build a bridge to bring JTC onto Polygon, Ethereum or other blockchains. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor with a business that can become a gateway onto JTC before the rest of the world finds out. Award range 10-15 JTC.
- Create a JTC-oriented fork of the lightning network or Stax. Imagine starting your own layer 2 blockchain and being ready to scale as new users flock to our safer version of Bitcoin. Award range 50-100 JTC.
Payment System
- Start a JTC payments business for merchants. JTC can become the best form of internet money because transactions are reversible by a court, similar to the Visa network. There are many ways to start a business onboarding merchants. Award range 10-15.
Create your own idea
Create something as unique as JTC itself. You may already have a great idea for starting your own business on the JTC blockchain using our one-of a kind court- connectivity features. If so, pitch it to us. Award range ???