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Request your JTC
If your Bitcoin sits with an exchange you will need to contact them to gain access to your JTC.
- Email them from the email that is registered with them
- Include your account number with the exchange
- Be specific with the amount of Bitcoin & JTC that you own
- Include your name and a way for them to contact them
Dear [Name of Exchange],
My name is [NAME] and my account number is [Account Number].
I am writing to you about the JTC coin.
JTC is a version of BTC that incorporates legal compliance at layer 1. JTC was created by a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain as of block height 717808 on January 8, 2022. All wallets holding BTC as of that block also hold JTC. You can read more about the JTC coin at www.jurat.io/overview/.
[Name of Exchange] held [Amount of] of BTC in my account as of block 717808. Accordingly, I am requesting that you either credit my account with [amount of JTC] or send [amount of JTC] JTC to my JTC wallet address [JTC address].
If you have any questions please contact me at [email address].
Click an exchange to message them directly
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If you have contacted an exchange and they have not responded to you within 7 business days, let us know so we can help.